This is a Club for general aviation pilots who’d like to meet, chat, learn and get together for mutual enjoyment of the sport. It’s the kind of Club you’d like to belong to, founded by a local PPL pilot who was looking for somewhere to connect with fellow enthusiasts.
There are many excellent small flying clubs and schools in the area, but it’s often difficult for pilots to meet one another and to create an active community. That’s what this Club is about.
It’s about meeting people in-person, not on social media or via virtual platforms. This homepage is deliberately simple; an introduction, an email contact address and joining instructions. The members area of the website – accessible after you join - contains details of the actual activities and events planned as well as further related information. Regular Club meetings are held once per month on a Tuesday evening other events are organised at various times.
Monthly meetings take place at local pubs and eateries and include presentations, discussions and, of course, plenty of opportunity to socialise with fellow pilots.
This is a new Club, founded at the start of 2022, so it is very much open to ideas from members concerning the kind of events you’d like to see and how the Club is run. Get in at the start and make a real contribution.
The club is currently free-of-charge to join, as we have enough funds for the time being, but a fee may be reinstated later if necessary.
Members must either be active pilots, student pilots or aspiring pilots living and flying within approximately a one-hour drive of the Solent area. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but meetings and events will take place within this area.
The Club is aimed at leisure pilots of fixed-wing, powered GA light aircraft, but professional pilots and instructors are welcome too.
The Club constitution can be downloaded from the members area.
Please email if you’d like further information.
Safe flying,
Joe Chamberlain
(Founding member)